Assignment Description and my Views
For this assignment we had to choose a debatable topic that is happening around the world today. Three of my classmates and I chose the topic "The drinking Age". We chose this topic because it is highly debatable, and two of us disagree on changing the age and the other two agree on changing the age to 18. I disagree on changing the age because it is a fact that the brain does not mature until you are in your twenties. I also beleive that keeping the age at twenty-one we would save more lives because less people would be getting into alcohol related traffic accidents. Last but not least i believe that its should stay at twenty-one becuase even bigger problems would occur, for instance teen pregnancy, violent crimes, and sexual assault.
Our thesis
Drinking Age
We beleive the drinking age in every state of the United States should stay at twenty-one years of age. Safety advocates say the legal drinking age of twenty-one saves about 900 lives each year. Alcohol-related traffic accidents have declined since the early 1980's when the law to change the drinking age to twenty-one years of age was put to effect. The brain develops through the early twenty's and alcohol may harm the developing brain. Countries with lower minimum drinking ages ahve ahd serious problems with binge drinking among youth.It is a proven fact that earlier onset of the drinking leads to a higher risk of later alcohol dependence.
Presentational aide
1 A graph that shows the percent of people who agree or disagree on changing the drinking age.
2 A video interview of a local police officer talking about underage drinking in the community.
3 Bring someone in who has lost a family member in an underage drinking accident and discuss the issues of underage drinking.
4 A safety video listing off the cons of underage drinking and defencts it has to your body.
5 Bring in a doctor that has done study's on when the brain matures, and have him/ her show the defects of alcohol on the maturing brain.
Internet site's that support our issue http://www.gallup.com/poll/28237/Most-Americans-Oppose-Lowering-Legal-Drinking-Age-Nationwide.aspx This website had a poll that adults age 18 and older and they voted on their opinion on the drinking age. http://www.idebate.org/debatabase/topic_details.php?topicID=551 This website had a two columns on the pro's and con's on the drinking age. | Internet site's that do not support our issue. http://media.www.carolinianonline.com/media/storage/paper301/news/2001/11/15/Speakeasy/Pro-Drinking.Age-147409.shtml A newspaper column on all legal t the age 18. They are explainithings you can do ang that you if can vote, buy tobacco products, and join the army but you can't drink alcohol. http://thesmokesignal.org/news/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=226&Itemid=1 That a in truth, lower drinking age would benefit our younger generation. If the drinking age was lowered, however, many teenagers would learn to drink responsibly. Rather than preach abstinence, or use scare tactics to convince young people not to drink.